Tuesday, April 12, 2011

kelas tambahan 20/3/2011...ahad


# include < iostream.h >
main ( )
// declare variable
int x  , y;

1) //get input
C out << " inter on integer = " ;
C in >> x;4

2) assign input
    x = 5j

// loop for...
for ( y = 1; y < x; y++ )
   C out << "  " << x;


# include < iostream.h >
main (  )
int x , y;
C out << Enter an integer = "
C in >> x ;
// while
y = 1;
while ( y<x )
C out << ' enter an integer =' ;


1) Change the if...else statement below to switch case statement

# include < iostream.h >
main (  )
int nom A, int no B, selection, value ;
C out << 2 number: " ;

Cout << "1. addition ";
Cout << "2.subtraction";
Cout << "3.multiply ";
Cout << "4.division ";
Cout << " enter selection = ";
Cin >> selection ;


if ( selection = = 1 )

{ value = nom A + nom B ; }
else if ( selection = = 2 )
{ value = nom A - nom B ; }
else if  ( selection = = 3 )
{ value = nom A * nom B; }
else if ( selection = = 4 )
{ value = nom A / nom B; }
else {
Cout << " Invalid selection "; }
Cout << " the value is : ". << value ;

2) Change for loop statement below to while loop

# include < iostream.h >
main (  )
int i, power 2;
for ( i = 1; i < = 9; i ++ )
power 2 = i*i ;
Cout << "  " << i << " power 2 " << power2;

# include ( iostream.h >
main (  )
int i, power 2 ;
// while
1 = 1;
while ( i < = 9 )
power 2 = i * i;
Cout << "  " << " power2 " << power 2;
i ++ ;

3) write a program that input 2 number compare the numbers and display only the biggest number if the number are same, display " the numbers are same.


# include ( iostream.h >
main (  )
int num1, num2; numbers ;
Cout << " enter 2 numbers:;
Cin >> nom A >> nom B;
// if..else statement
if  ( num2 > num 1 )
{ Cout << " num2 is bigger than num1 "; }
else if ( num2 = = num1 )
{ Cout << num2 is same as num1 "; }
{ ( out << " invalid " ; }
return O

4) write a nprogram using for loop that receive price of 3 products. Calculate the price that must be paid after 10% discount is given to every customer.

For Loop
# include < iostream.h )
main (  )
int x price , total discount;
for ( m = 1, x < 4; x++ )
Cout << " total " = << total ;
discount = total * 0.01;
Cout << discount = " << discount ;
return O ;

5) what is the input for the following program segment :

i) int x = 20;
   for ( int i =5; i < = ; i ++ )
      Cout << i ;
       i = i + 4;

ii) int mul = ;
    mul * 2;
    Cout << " the mul is " << mul ;
     mul ++ ;
     while ( mul < 10 )


i)  5

ii) 1


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

example of C++ coding

1) printf ( " % d ", P- > angka ) ;

2) void main ( ){

3) Clrscr ( );

4) textcolor (14);

5) postorder ( p-> left );

6) postorder ( p-> right );

7) if ( p== NUL ) return;

8) free (p);

9) void clearall ( stuct data * p ) {

10) insert ( 8 ( * p)-> right,angka,level );

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

assignment 1

ANSWER :Step 1 :

Step 2 :

Step 3 :

Step 4 :

Steap 5 :

Step 6 :

Step 7 :

Step 8 : ( bile masukkan duit lebih dpd harga asal )

Step 9 :

Step 10 :
Step 11 :

Step 12 :

Step 13 :

Step 14 : ( bile masukkan duit kurang dpd harga asal )

Step 15 :

Step 16 :

Step 17 :

Step 18 :

Step 19 :

assignment 2


step 1` Write your program

step2 Click save by enter your own file's name

 step3Go to compile menu

step4 Press any key for compiling the program

step5  go to run menu
step6 Go to Window and click Output

step7 Get the final output

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


1) solve the question below solve the working
   a) 5*2 % 3 + 25/5
       = 10 % 3 + 5
       = 1+5
       = 6

 b) a = 5, b = 6
      ! ( ( a < 3 ) < & ( a = = 3 ) ll ( b > a ))
      =     0                       0               0
                         0                      0
                         1                      1
                                   1/ true

2)identify the syntax errors in the following program
   include < iostream.h >
   main (  )
  float allowance  = Rm 300.00 salary,
  Cout << "input salary = " ;
  Cin > salary = " ;
  T salary = salary + allowance ;
  Cout << " salary is = " << salary ;


   n #
   main (  )
   Cin >>
   return O;

3) write a program that will calculate the montly salary for an employee that where saturday & sunday are considered as no working days.


# include  < iosterea m . h >
main (  )
// declare variable
float noworking days ;
float salaryperday ;
float monthly salary ;
// input 1
Cout << " noworkingdays";
Cin >> noworking days ;
// input 2
Cout << " enter salaryperday = ";
Cin salaryperdays ;
monthly salary = noworking days * salary perday " ;
// output
Cout << " monthlysalary << monthly salary ;
return O

4) write a program that allowance their everege of  5 number that can be input by user.


# include <iostream . h >
main (  )
float no 1
float no 2
float no 3
float no 4
float total
float average
// input 1
Cout << " num 1 " ;
Cin >> num 1 ;
// input 2

Monday, March 7, 2011

miggu ke 2 bersama FOP


1)Get the beight of the rectangle
2)Get the beight of the rectangle
3)Calculate the area of rectangle with multhply width by height.
4)Display the area of rectangle


1)Read width
2) heiRead height
3)Set the area = width + height
4)Print output

1) find the area of circle:
[ area : 3.14* radius # radius ]

2) fine celcius
[ celcius = ( 5/9 ) # ( fahrenhait - 32 ) ]

3) find fahrenhait
[fahrenhait = ( 9/5 ) # ( {celcius + 32 } )

Question 1
1) Get the radius of circle
2) Set the area of circle with 3.14 multiphy the area of circle.
3) display the area of circle.

1) Read radius
2) Set the area = 3.14 # radius # radius
3) Print output

First dayy with FOP

jam menunjukkn pukul tujuh..oppss sy lambat masuk kelas..mcam biaselh cari makan dulu..di hari pertama nie miss ayuni membahagikn kmi kepada beberapa kumpulan..mula mula tu nak same ngan ziehan..tapi miss kate mesti berdikari so sy pun masuk group lain..
di bwah nie adalah senarai tugasan yang mesti kami buat sepanjang sem nie tuk dpat yang terbaik:

Info: C++ ( programming language )
      : Sofware = turbo C++
                         borland C++
                         der C++
                         visual C++

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